

digitale Zeiterfassung & Dokumentation via App
  • IT und Kommunikation
  • Wachstumsphase
  • SaaS
  • B2B
  • 2018
  • 11-50 Mitarbeiter
  • Existiert
  • Münster, DE
  • clockin GmbH
  • Nordrhein-Westfalen

Über die Firma

We change the way we work tomorrow— The B2E Platform

Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in Europe still organize themselves internally on pieces of paper. The manual documentation of working hours creates a high level of bureaucracy that has to be processed manually. We are convinced that technology is the key to making people's everyday work easier and finally more efficient. We also believe that cutting-edge technology should not only be accessible to the large players. Easy to use (non-code) access to digitalize their daily-work-processes. Local, mobile, global – clockin connects all operating employees and units just in sequence.

clockin Funding

Über das Produkt

Game-Changer in digital workforce management

With clockin, we give employees a digital tool that makes everyday work easier. In addition to recording working hours, clockin functions as a communication platform, knowledge database and organizational unit. We enable companies to organize themselves 100% decentrally and reaching next-level productivity.

From international IT-, sales-, marketing-, management- and finance-experts, our global mindset leads the way to success. We are dedicated to change the way we work tomorrow and challenge the status quo in SMEs.


Frederik Neuhaus Geschäftsführer
since 2018
Thomas Bittmann Geschäftsführer
since 2018

Nachrichten über clockin

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Startupnews KW 46 - 2024
Startupnews KW 46 - 2024
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