High-Tech Gründerfonds / investor von Bonn / Background

High-Tech Gründerfonds

Der High-Tech Gründerfonds (HTGF) ist Deutschlands aktivster Frühphaseninvestor für junge, innovative Technologie-Start-ups.
  • VC
  • n/a
  • €84,3K
  • 83
  • 2005
  • 51-100 Mitarbeiter
  • Bonn, DE
  • htgf.de
  • High-Tech Gründerfonds GmbH & Co. KG
  • Nordrhein-Westfalen

Über die Firma

High-Tech Gründerfonds (HTGF) is a seed investor that finances high-potential, tech-driven startups. With EUR 895.5 million in total investment volume across three funds and an international network of partners, HTGF has already helped forge more than 550 startups since 2005. Driven by their expertise, entrepreneurial spirit and passion, its team of experienced investment managers and startup experts help guide the development of young companies. HTGF’s focus is on high-tech startups in a range of sectors, including software, media, internet, hardware, automation, health care, chemistry and life sciences.

To date, external investors have injected over EUR 2 billion into the HTGF portfolio via more than 1,400 follow-on financing rounds. HTGF has also successfully sold interests in more than 100 companies. Investors in this public-private partnership include the Federal Ministry For Economic Affairs and Energy and the KfW Capital as well as 32 industry companies.

High-Tech Gründerfonds Funding


Nachrichten über High-Tech Gründerfonds

Letzter Beitrag über High-Tech Gründerfonds:

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InfectoPharm investiert in AudioCure
InfectoPharm steigt als neuer Investor bei AudioCure Pharma ein. Gemeinsam mit MED-EL und dem High-Tech Gründerfonds soll die Entwicklung von AC102 weiter vorangetrieben werden
13.02.2025 »

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Offene Jobs bei High-Tech Gründerfonds:

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