Switchboard / startup von Stuttgart / Background


API Marktplatz für Energieservices.
  • Energie & Elektrizität
  • Seed Stage
  • Plattform
  • B2B
  • 2021 — 2023
  • 1-10 Mitarbeiter
  • Existiert
  • Stuttgart, DE
  • switchboard-api.de
  • Switchboard GmbH
  • Baden-Württemberg

Historischer Eintrag

Dieses Unternehmen wurde in 2023 geschlossen (Grund: Liquidierung).

Über die Firma

Switchboard stands for easy access to the energy market and offers a digital marketplace where energy industry data and capabilities can be offered, consumed and paid for in a curated and standardized way. There we bring customers and providers together and make the energy industry easily accessible in the form of small building blocks.

Our business model is that we offer APIs developed by external partners as well as self-developed APIs on the digital marketplace, which are paid for by our customers via a monthly subscription. Our revenue is consequently generated by the subscription fee for our self-developed APIs and a revenue share for partner APIs.

Climate change, energy transition, electrification and smart grid require innovations that individual companies cannot deliver on their own. In addition, the processes in the energy market are usually very complex and time-consuming, which is why we would like to relieve energy companies with regard to the energy industry's core processes. With the help of our marketplace, we want to support companies and startups in the energy sector to expand or optimize their customer offering through additional services and to create added value through the integration of new/external data sources. Furthermore, we want to enable young projects and entrepreneurs to create completely new and innovative business models/products through our services.


Estefania Hofmann Managing Directorin
since 2021
Nico Bovelette Managing Director
since 2021
Estefania Hofmann Liquidatorin
since 2023

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