

deskbird ist eine Software für Schreibtischbuchung und Optimierung der Büronutzung.
  • IT und Kommunikation
  • Wachstumsphase
  • SaaS
  • B2B
  • 2020
  • 51-100 Mitarbeiter
  • Nicht gefunden
  • St.Gallen, CH
  • deskbird AG
  • Sankt Gallen

Über die Firma

Originally, Ivan and Jonas wanted to build a platform for booking coworking spaces, but the pandemic threw a wrench in their plans. Now deskbird offers businesses a software that provides a simple and fast solution for booking workspaces and is one of the fastest growing SaaS startups in Europe.

"In 2019, we wanted to become the number one destination for coworking space bookings, but the idea wasn’t ready, and the timing was bad. In March 2020, the first lockdown went off and testing our idea became difficult," Ivan recalls. Covid therefore forced the two founders to rethink and deskbird was born.

All beginnings are hard, especially in times of a pandemic. Multiple lockdowns and constantly changing regulations severely limited opportunities for further development. There was a lack of testing opportunities and at the same time a lack of potential customers. It proved to be a great challenge to finance the ongoing operations and the already 10 employees. Looking back, it was a formative time for the founders, during which they learned how to make tough decisions and how important team cohesion is.

Ivan and Jonas quickly realize how the pandemic is changing the world of work, and with the app deskbird, they address exactly the new needs of companies and its employees. "Our vision is to be the most intuitive platform for all aspects of modern workplace management by 2025 at the latest," says Jonas.

After being founded in August 2020, deskbird closed three successful funding rounds in mid and late 2021 and in summer 2022. Currently, more than 100,000 employees in various companies are already booking workplaces with deskbird.

Über das Produkt

deskbird is the leading workplace management app for hybrid companies. Employees can see who is in the office, schedule their office and work-from-home days, and book desks in 2 clicks only. The solution is the first built around users, not buildings. It offers full integrations (e.g., with MS Teams), GDPR compliance, enterprise-level encryption and numerous data protection configuration possibilities. Workplace managers get a birds-eye view of statistics like office occupancy and consumption at their fingertips, helping them to create a flexible workplace experience employees love. As one of Europe’s fastest-growing SaaS startups, deskbird is helping people and organisations to reach their full potential with their flexible workplace solution. Wefox, Vitra, FlatexDEGIRO, Knauf and many more are trusting deskbird to keep their employees happy and productive with the highly-rated app.

The remote-first team, originating in St. Gallen, Switzerland, now employs around 70 people from more than 22 countries and counts customers from Europe and North America - from growing startups to established corporations. Two to three times a year, the startup hosts on-site meetings in addition to various online events to strengthen the cohesion of the deskbirds.

Nachrichten über deskbird

Letzter Beitrag über deskbird:

Carsten Maschmeyer sammelt 175 Millionen Euro für Alstin III ein
Carsten Maschmeyer sammelt 175 Millionen Euro für Alstin III ein
Alstin Capital erweitert Portfolio mit internationalen Investments und treuen Investoren – 175 Millionen Euro für die Zukunft von B2B-Software.
27.11.2024 »

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