MANSIO / startup von Aachen / Background


MANSIO macht die Transporte schneller, effizienter, sicherer & ökologischer & die Arbeitsbedingungen attraktiver.
  • Automobil, Logistik & Mobilität
  • Seed Stage
  • SaaS
  • B2B
  • 2020
  • 1-10 Mitarbeiter
  • Existiert
  • Aachen, DE
  • Nordrhein-Westfalen

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Über die Firma

MANSIO was founded with a clear mission to transform the logistics industry by introducing innovative solutions that enhance the efficiency, sustainability, and overall quality of freight transport. Our company originated in Aachen, Germany, and we currently operate in the German market. Our long-term vision is to become a global leader in the logistics sector, expanding our reach throughout Europe. We aspire to revolutionize the way goods are transported, making it more cost-effective, faster, safer, and eco-friendly. At MANSIO, we believe in improving the lives of truck drivers while reshaping the future of transportation.

Über das Produkt

Our flagship product at MANSIO revolves around a cloud-based, multi-tenant software solution. This innovative platform seamlessly connects the transport data of multiple logistics companies, proposing and facilitating matched exchanges of trailers between them. After a successful match, our applications support various aspects of the transport process, including order management, real-time tracking, physical handover, and financial clearing. What sets us apart from the competition is our role as a dedicated IT company, collaborating with multiple logistics entities to orchestrate matched exchanges, as opposed to operating as a logistics provider ourselves. This differentiation allows us to provide a more comprehensive and impartial solution, promoting greater cost efficiency, sustainability, and improved working conditions for truck drivers.

MANSIO was founded by Dr. Maik Schürmeyer, who brings a wealth of experience in both logistics and engineering. After completing his studies in mechanical engineering, he worked as a logistics consultant before taking on the role of leading the logistics operations of an international industrial firm. In 2017, he accepted a professorship in logistics at the Hochschule Niederrhein in Mönchengladbach. At MANSIO, Dr. Schürmeyer serves as CEO and majority shareholder, overseeing corporate leadership, finance, investor relations, and strategic initiatives.

Florian Wehling, our CTO, holds a master's degree in computer science from RWTH Aachen and has worked with innovative technologies and business models at three startup companies. He is responsible for technical innovation and IT architecture, leading our development team.

Julian Blasig, our COO, brings extensive experience in logistics to the team. He coordinates our sales activities and operational functions, managing all customer-oriented processes from acquiring new clients to project management with existing customers. Mr. Blasig leads our teams in the fields of sales, operations, and product management.

As of August 2023, MANSIO employs 8 full-time equivalent team members, predominantly consisting of IT professionals, logisticians, and business administrators. By the end of the year, we plan to expand our team to 9.5 employees, ensuring we have the right expertise to drive our mission forward.

Our team's diverse skill set and in-depth industry knowledge make us well-suited to conquer the logistics market and achieve our vision of reshaping the future of freight transport.

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